When my dad recently came down to help me move into the new house, all he could comment on was how great of friends that I had. He kept pointing out (even after he left) all the cool things that they have done for me. After hearing him go on and on about it, I realized that I do have some really awesome friends and got me thinking about all the different type of friends I've had over the years...

You have the kind of friends that you have known all of your life; the ones that came up to you in 2nd grade and introduced themselves. You were never more than 2 feet away from them for the next 6 years. However, you're not sure if you were to meet them for the first time today if you would even like that person, but they have known you your whole life and they know all your darkest secrets, so that makes them a friend for life.

Then you have those high school friends. The friends that you would drive around with looking for that cute boy you liked and the one that you parked somewhere and drank beer with and thought you were the coolest thing EVER. It is okay that they faded out of your life, they were the bad influences.

College friends are more like you, they have the same interests, you are older and don't have to put up with gossip and politics of friendships. College friends are the ones that you can not see for months and then get together and pick up right where you left off. College friends are those who if you just had pushed that crush a little harder that it might you who is married to him right now and not that other girl. College friends are the ones that your conversations over in the cafeteria were about springbreak and parties, and now they are about 401K plans, daycare costs and mortgage rates.

Then there are the friends you make in life outside of school; they are the ones that are truly involved with your 'life'. Some of these friends can come and go, but there is a handful that stick to you like glue. These are the friends that my dad was raving about. Those are the friends where 90% of the time no words are needed to get your point across, you don't have to ask them for help -- it is just given and you would do just about anything for them. The type of friend that cheers you on, there is no jealousy and they tell you when you need to shut up & get over it. The friends that travel together, eat almost every night together, hangout and not say a word for hours. Grumpiness is allowed and is forgiven, but if a grouch goes too far, they are corrected. Medicine is delievered to each other when someone is sick, let their dogs out when days go long, are entrusted to watch their new borns, have keys to their homes (and have broken into homes when said keys are left behind), paint their new house, fix broken ceiling fans during lunch hours, the list is endless.

In the absence of family here in Texas and the no husband thing... these friends have become my family.