It has been awhile since I have posted an entry. My excuse? There really isn't one. I could sit here and write 50,000 reasons why and none of them are good enough to explain what is just pure laziness and self-imposed guilt of not being true to myself.
Self truth--that is what I'm going to work on. When I tell my friends or my sister or doctor that I've done x, y & z just so I won't have to hear about me not following the rules of WW or a healthy lifestyle, who am I hurting? ME! It is not their heart I'm filling with crap, it is not there restless nights, it is not their pants that don't fit, it is not their scramble to find somewhere to wear in Vegas, it is MINE and no other. (I will pause for a moment and say that I was very good in Vegas, I did watch what I ate and such; but then for some reason I came back and all bets were off--why do I do that?). So when I'm lying to others, I'm just lying to myself, and I am taking one step closer to an early grave. And what the hell is up with waiting for the new gym to open before I will get my ass in gear. GET UP you lazy fat blob. GET UP. Is it going to kill you to walk around a track, or a block? NO, the answer is NO. Will it kill you to just sit on the couch and then sulk about not getting up--YES, the answer is YES. It won't be tonight, or tomorrow, but it is coming down that road--can you see the headlights Nicole, can you? Those lights are the ones at the end of your tunnel...