I'm waiting for my dinner to finish cooking and I thought I'd blog instead of plopping my arse down on the couch. Oh, the size of my arse... I've eaten everything under the sun the last few weeks with no regard for points or that my clothes were already tight, now they are just plain uncomfortable. I've fallen back into bad habits and I hate it. I've been watching the show 'intervention' recently and wow are there so many parallels between drugs and food. Awww, forget it, i have no desire to complain about my eating again.

Let's see... what else is going on... Samson!
Sammy's been to the vet a couple of times to get his random pooping under control. The specialist I saw believes that it is un-related to his paralysis he had a few years ago, but my vet believes it is related. She even posted his story on a Vet website and others believe it is related too. So does that mean there is no hope? He was on this medication that cost $2.54 a pill! and it did nothing for him, it was suppose to slow down his gut and maybe he could feel it coming if things were slower--nope, it just made his accidents bigger! LOL
Now he is on a generic form of Imodium to see if we can really stop things, but that really hasn't helped either. His accidents are farther apart, but he is still having them; the medicine has also caused him not to each much, i think it is upsetting his tummy a bit.
But we'll keep trying, there is no way I'm giving up on that damn dog.

I haven't been up to the studio much. My supply is low on the basic glass and I'm so afraid that if I use it on something that I screw up, I'll be really mad, so I just stare and then go back down stairs. I did order some clear rods the other day so I can experiment with a technique that I've been wanting to try. That won't eat up my reserves, so I'm looking forward to those coming in.

My dad arrives in less than 2 weeks for a quick weekend visit. I'm excited for my dad to come back here, he saw my house briefly when he helped me move in, but so much has changed. What I'm not looking fwd to is his wife coming too, but since I really can't change that, I'm just going to suck it up and deal. It is about my dad and i just have to keep telling myself that.

Okay, I heard the ding of the oven, going to see if dinner is ready. Later...