tomorrow will be 13 weeks since my surgery. I'm down 33lbs and loving every second of it. I found a pretty good therapist that deals with eating issues, and it has helped just seeing her the few times that I have. It is definitely something I need to continue to do, just like getting my protein in (I've been having horrible carb cravings, uggg), vitamins and water. Every day is a new day.

So, the weight loss boards are full of folks having NSVs all the time. I've had a few in the form of clothes that I can now wear and bras/panties that I've had to throw away b/c they are too big, but tonight's NSV kinda made me giddy. I've been taking yoga at the gym and I love it. Every time I go I see improvement on my balance and my strength; it really is an amazing exercise. Well tonight, we were doing a new pose and she asked us to look in the mirror and double check our stance. I looked in the mirror and I saw one girl, I passed her up and kept looking for myself. I couldn't find 'me'. I was looking for a bigger girl, the girl that I saw the first time was ME!!! I don't even recognize myself in the mirror! I wanted to come out of the pose and do a small dance, but of course I didn't. I just stayed focused and did a mental happy dance. I just had to blog that tonight, I couldn't let that one get away.

This surgery is the best thing ever. I had a semi-freak out moment this weekend, but I pulled myself together after being helped through it. I'm far from being 'fixed'--whatever that is anyway. But I'm on my way to a healthier and happier Nicole. And that my friends, is what this journey is about.
