This past Saturday I went over to Carolyn's house to discuss the Chicago trip (which isn't happeneing, too much $$$), to have dinner and let the all the boys play.
It was way to hot outside, so we went inside, looked at maps of Chicago and such. As we are doing this, Matteo is walking up to Samson and sticking his head below Samson's head and trying to get to his chest. Sammy is not bothered by this at all, he just keeps sniffing Matteo's head or looking at him.
NB: "What is he doing?"
Carolyn: "oh! he is trying to get Samson's white patch"
NB: "really!?"
Carolyn: "it is driving him nuts that Samson has that white spot on his chest"
Sure enough, that is what Matteo was trying to do, trying to 'get' that white stuff. It was so funny. You really had to see it to get the full effect.
Oh, and then, Matteo and Samson were little boogers during dinner. Samson would slowly move up to Matteo's high chair, and Matteo would hand him some food. They had a good little system going. We would tell them both no, and Matteo would look at Samson and say "no, no!" and then do it again a few seconds later. Too funny.