**sigh** it is Sunday night and I have no desire to go to work tomorrow. I wish I could be excited about getting up and going. But I'm not here to complain about work; I can do that anytime.

I finally took measurements again. I have no idea why I've been afraid to take them. I guess in the back of my mind, I haven't really earned this weight loss--I haven't gotten my tush up to go to the gym at 530 like I've done in the past or counted points until I was blue in the face. Not that surgery was 'easy' by any means, the weight loss has just simply happened with no help on my part. I'm definitely in the throws of that 3 week stall, the scale has shown me gaining and losing the same pound for 5 days now. I know it will pass, I know it will pass, I know it will pass...
I've been feeling pretty good, while I was walking Brody the other night, I actually got the urge to run--when has that ever happened. LOL. I think I'm ready to start working out, I'm able to eat a little more (which means more calories, less being tired), but I'm so afraid I'm going to hurt myself. While taking measurements, I couldn't help notice the 'bat wings' I have under my arms--I really want to try to tone those bad boys up.
Okay, so the point of this post was to share some numbers... here we go:
Butt/hips: -3
Waist: -2
Boobs: -1.5
Neck: 0
L Arm: -3
R Arm: -1
L Thigh: -4
R Thigh: -2
L Calf: -.5
R Calf: 0

Total: -17 inches

I've lost almost of foot and half off of my body! How crazy is THAT!!! I still shake my head that I had the surgery, it seems so unreal (but awesome at the same time). **sigh** but this time its b/c I'm so happy.