So today was my 2nd day back to work... yesterday took everything out of me and than some. I came home, did a few things, fell asleep on the couch for 3 hours, was woken up by my sister calling, ate something, dragged my butt to bed and woke up at 930am this morning. I was not expecting my energy level to be that zapped. Today I can say went a whole lot better (of course it did, I slept in :-) ). Tomorrow I have a huge meeting in the morning and than my post op isn't until 430. Ugg, the traffic home is going to be horrible and I'm not looking fwd to it all.

I am, however, looking forward to that appt where I hope they remove my sutures. I took a picture of my gut tonight cause I want to remember what these things look like. I was going to post a picture, but for some reason, it just won't go into the blog correctly--maybe that is karma saying I shouldn't be posting such things for the world to see. Anyway, I will glad when those come out and I will be even MORE GLAD when they tell me I can move up a food level--mushies!!! Just dreaming about it-cottage cheese, really smashed up chicken, some soups--oh the joy!
I shall post my post-op happy words tomorrow. good night!