I'd figure I'd better write before the week blows by me again and I have to catch up on 7 days worth of stuff.

Let's see...
Oh! it has been ~4 weeks now since I've kicked Samson out of the bed. Wow! Why did I not do that sooner!? It is glorious, it is the best thing ever when I'm getting ready for bed and he goes and makes his nest on the floor and I can climb in my bed dog hair free (relatively). I should have done that years ago!

Geek Moment:
Glass is the most awesome thing ever. Before I ever got into this whole glass thing, I would have said that 'glass is glass is glass'--there is no difference between a beer bottle and a Kosta Boda bowl except color--that would be an incorrect statement! There are TONS of different types of glass--they each have their own rate of expansion and contraction and it is rated at a COE level. The lower the number, the 'harder' the glass is. Example, Pyrex is COE 32--that is why you can put in the oven or on the stove top and it can take the heat. A beer bottle is probably at COE 60; Bullseye glass (what I use) is COE 90, Lisa prefers Spectrum 96 - COE 96 and the really cool Italian glass is COE 104 (very soft and melts very low). You can NEVER mix these COE numbers, they just won't play well together. They might look good at first, but over time you will get hair-line fractures and eventually the glass will fall apart. Not good if you paid lots of $$ for an art piece. (I'm getting to the point of all this, I promise). As I was cleaning up the studio the other day, I came across these set of ~9 inch clear circles. I have no memory of purchasing them and I'm very good about keeping the 90, 96 and 104 glass completely separate. If I have any doubt on a piece, I usually end up throwing it away instead of taking a chance. Well, these circles are really nice and I'm not about to throw those away, so I did a test in the kiln yesterday.
I took some 90 glass and some 104 glass and put it on a section of the circle. I knew eventually that one of the pieces would start falling apart--I was just going to wait it out. Jodie and I ran up to the studio to check out what I had put in the kiln and she was like "what is THAT?". I quickly explained my experiment (she didn't like my artistic flair) and we saw cracks in the 104 glass--I knew it was 90! So I take the piece out and we are just talking and you start to hear the glass popping--it was creating cracks, pulling apart where the two types of glass meet. I've read about this on glass websites, but I never witnessed it for myself. It was really cool to see how glass is really incompatible at times. I freakin' love this stuff.
Geek moment over.

WOE is me!
No, I'm not complaining again about something... WOE is --Way of Eating. Thru Jodie's sister I was introduced to a new book titled "Crack The Fat-Loss Code", it is a very interesting way of looking at food and how your body processes it. I've only gotten through the first few chapters, but I've learned alot already. I hope to start this plan tomorrow -- that means big grocery store run for me tonight. Having Jodie doing this also should help us both stay on track; Jodie even made some really cool cheat sheets to help guide you week by week. I'll let you know how it goes. In the mean time, pick up a copy of the book if you have a chance, it is very good!

Waiting for the phone call!
I'm waiting for the phone call telling me that the furniture guys are on their way to my house. I finally found a leather couch that I really like at Macy's. I ordered it ~4 weeks ago and it is finally on its way. I'm very excited. I will take pictures tonight and post them here tomorrow.

I'm signing off... I'm going to head home and try to beat some traffic before I get the call.