Seems I forgot to set my alarm clock last night. I hate that. I hate that rushed feeling like you are running around with your hair on fire. And then you hit EVERY light on the way to work just making you more worked up. Fun morning.

But on the bright side, I am sleeping better overall. I'm trying to get rid of the giant black paws out of my back and a big head off my pillow; I know my sleep will get even better after that! I don't know where they started jumping on the bed again. We were doing so well for a while and then something happened and they started to sleep with me again. Last night Samson and I had a fight. He was moaning and huffing when I told him he couldn't get up on my bed. In the middle of the night, I rolled over and there he was, taking up pillow space. I yelled at him and pushed, but he didn't budge. I finally swung my feet up and gave him a good shove--yeah, that almost pushed ME off of the bed. LOL. I finally just kept hitting him (swatting more like it) and yelling to get of the bed. I think he finally gave up just to shut me up. LOL.