For the last couple of weeks, I've been having these mini conversations in my head with my mom. Yes, we all know I'm crazy, but I hope I haven't really gone over the deep end. I've been feeling a little icky lately and I've been having these 'talks' as I'm falling asleep or waking up. I usually get sad when I have dreams of my mom, but these talks have been good. Here is a glimpse...

Mom: Nicole, can you believe you are going to be WORKING FOR NASA!?! Not just AT NASA, but FOR them.
Nicole: No, I can't believe it, I never thought it would happen.
Mom: Have you called your aunt and uncle and told them?
Nicole: No, not yet
Mom: Don't you think you should. And tell them you moved too, I don't think they know that either.
Nicole: Yes mom.

Mom: Can you believe how big Kelli is? I know she broke your heart honey; you know you and your sister did the same thing to your dad...
Nicole: Yes, I know. And I now know exactly what dad always meant by it.
Mom: She still loves you.
Nicole: I know she does.

Mom: Samson is crazy
Nicole: I know, isn't it funny
Mom: Yes

Mom: Have you picked your new insurance yet
Nicole: No
Mom: Don't you think you need to do that. NICOLE! you should have had that in weeks ago.
Nicole: I have time mom
Mom: Why do you ALWAYS wait until the last minute

Mom: how is your pregnant friend
Nicole: Which one, there are many of them
Mom: oh, I don't know. all of them.

Nicole: Mom, do I make you proud?
Mom: Everyday

I feel like I'm at a huge crossroad in my life with the new job and I just want to speak with her and just talk about everything and nothing. I have been thinking of the stupid things in life that she is missing out on. Like a DVR, she would have LOVED the DVR. It would be filled with all of her soaps. A cell phone, she would have loved showing pictures on it. The kids, she would do anything for those 3.
Okay, I'm crying. And I'm getting all snotty, so I'm calling it a night.