Man, I can't remember the last time I had such a productive weekend.
My weekend started Friday night, I headed over to the Rhodes house after I picked up the boys from day care. Bryan grabbed my fire pit and made a fire so we could cook some hot dogs and s'mores. It was awesome to sit outside all bundled up in front of the fire. I hung out with Bryan and Max for a bit outside and then I went in once they started to talk about football. Jodie and Mel ended up telling the same stories about x-mas decorations and other stuff that the boys were telling outside. I guess that is a sign that you are in sync with your partner--it was kinda cool. After a fun night of being with friends, I headed home. It was way cold in the house, so I closed all the windows and went to bed. The boys both went to their beds, and curled up so tight because they were so cold. I couldn't help but to snap these shots after I threw a blanket on them:

On Saturday morning, I made a list, taped it to my frig and started marking things off. It is so satisfying to get stuff done. I did some yard work, bought some new plants to fill in the empty spot in the front, killed some weeds, cleaned up some, had Travis come over and hang up new lights in the kiln room. Holy moly did that make the biggest difference, i can actually load the kilns at night now and see what I'm doing. LOL. I'm very much looking forward to the 4 day weekend coming up, I still have a pretty long list of things hanging on my frig, my goal is to get them all done.

As I was doing all this stuff this weekend, I can't believe that I will have been in this house for a year next week. What a year it has been. And you know what? I love this house even more now than I did when I moved in. It was the perfect thing to do and it still amazes me that it all worked out last year.