I read an article the other day about how dogs can become so in-tune with their owners that they can even detect if they have cancer, about to have a seizure, or even low blood sugar. Luckily, I don't have any of those, but they can tell when I'm just not feeling well. Last night I had one of those cleansing cries, the kind that you cry over stuff that has happened since your last good cry, you know:
-the economy sucks
-scared about the new job
-stubbed my toe last week
-feeling horrible about a friend's loss
-worrying about missing so many days at your new job
I was crying HARD, which made me more snotty than I already was, which made me feel even worse, etc. Well, as I was bawling away, Brody quietly jumped up on the bed, laid down next to me and just let me know he was there for me. That made me cry even harder. Brody and I have been together for 6.5 years, we know each other well, and at that moment he knew i needed some love and he gave it to me without asking for anything in return. That freakin dog rocks.
(and as I type this, he is at my feet, under the desk, loyal as ever)