I have finally broke the 99 degree mark. I hit 98.7 early this morning and I did a half jump (then followed by alot of coughing). It was like I was Doc Brown in 'Ba.ck To Th.e Fu.ture' --"88 miles per hour!" but of course it was 98.7 degrees and not speed, but close enough, you get my point! The important thing to take away from this is that I am now holding under 99 and not my stupid attempt at jokes.
LOL, yes, the flu has gotten to my brain, along with being couped up in this house. I love this house, but I'm sick of these walls. I try to get up and do things, but I'm just spent after about 5 minutes. The thought of even climbing the stairs to check on the kilns from this weekend wears me out. I ran by Jodie's earlier to drop off a purse & some beads, and just the few minutes I spoke with her, Jill and her mom were awesome! Human interaction. Oh man, that is just sad.
It honestly feels like all the energy is being drained from my toes and finger tips. I have none, I'm trying to will myself better, I'm not eating crap, I'm sleeping more than a human should, but still I'm so weak. The flu sucks.

Okay, seriously, I took some picture frames out of the closet to see what size prints I need to make, and that wore me out. I'm going to crash on the couch and I hope to make it to work tomorrow. Later...