Uggg, I hate my alarm clock--HATE IT! After getting up 3 times to pee last night (I guess I shouldn't drink 2 large buc.ees cups full of tea before bed), my alarm went off at 5am to signal that it was time for me to go to the gym. WHACK! I just bought 10 more minutes; BUZZ, WHACK, another 10 minutes, this went on 3 more times before I finally decided that I MUST go to the gym, laying in bed for another hour or so was not going to help my ass size, and that I know I would feel better for doing it too.
So, I pull up to the gym, and I see Bry's car--"damn, I know he is going to say something about me being late" (and he does).
I don't head upstairs like I have in the last week, I head over to the weights. My nerves are up, there are a bunch more people around than I would have liked to have seen, but at least I'm working out and those people can just shut up. I walk over to the first leg machine I see just to get out of the 'way', and I get to work. I walk around trying to figure out what is the next machine I want to do, trying not to look too lost, I make my way around to all the leg machines and I get a full workout in. My legs were a little shaky afterwards, but not to the point I couldn't walk. I know I will be feeling it tomorrow. My plan is to also do some cardio after work.

So, later this morning, on our way to work (Jodie had to drive me to work this morning), I was telling her that I did legs.
"yeah, bryan told me. he said you weren't working out hard enough, that you were playing with your iPod too much"
nb: "wha-wha-what?"
all I focused on was that someone was watching me work out--AND HAD COMMENTS ABOUT IT. one of my biggest fears! Then the questions started flooding in my head" who else saw me? did they think I looked like a goob? was my form wrong? am I weak?
THE HORROR of someone looking at me. I mean, I guess I should be happy that it was bryan, a friend that will tell me the truth, but it doesn't make it better. Bryan ususally doesn't even acknowledge my presence 99% of the time, I never would have thought he'd look over and take notice of my workout. I'm really going to try to take this as constructive critisism and not freak out when I go to the gym. His comments were right, I wasn't focusing hard enough, I need to take my time, and put all my concentration into each movement--make everything count.

tomorrow I will do better, nothing I can do about this mornings workout now!