The human body amazes me. The way that it can recover and adapt is truly amazing. After just 5 days (some days twice a day) of doing ~35 minutes on the Elliptical machine, my body feels so much better. I dragged my tush out of bed again at 4:45am to head to the gym and I'm just peddling along when I look down to check out my peddle rate. (My target has been to keep it in the 140's consistently). So, I look down to check out the rate, and I'm in the 150's and I'm not even really huffing and having a hard time to be in that zone. Tuesday/Wednesday of this week, I was doing every mental exercise to keep me motivated to keep me in the 140's and this morning, I'm in the 150's without even thinking about it. I think it might be time to shoot for the 160's now...
All morning I've been in a daze b/c I can't believe how good I'm feeling after such a short time. I've been eating well every day and doing some cardio and I feel stronger and less bloated. Also, when I measure my heart rate, that has been getting lower too as I'm working out. I was off scale high there for a few workouts, now I'm in a good zone, so that is even improving!
If these are the results I'm getting after 5 days, I can't wait to see what happens after 10, 20, 30, 50, or 365 days...