To begin with, I want to give a workout status:
I don't know if I either didn't set it or if I turned it off once that annoying beep began, but I woke up too late to go to the gym before work yesterday. I sat there and thought about still going and just being late to work, but since I took off early, I knew I couldn't be in later than normal. So, yesterday no work out for me. :-(
But the alarm went off this morning and I got my tush up. I reported a few days ago about how nervous I was about doing the weights; however this morning, I took a deep breath, walked in, took charge and went to work! Jodie suggested that I break my upper body workout into 2 sessions: back & biceps and then shoulders, triceps, chest; of course I listened to her and I focused on back & biceps.
I really took Bryan's comments seriously and concentrated on every move and really focused. If I wasn't getting much out of it, or it wasn't getting too hard, then I knew I needed to move up in weight. I think i had a great arm workout! I ended my morning with some abs, I know I will be feeling those tomorrow!

Wednesday weigh in: -1 lb (every journey begins with the first step)

The rest of the entry coming...