Hola! That is the extent of other languages you are going to get out of me tonight.

Sorry I didn't write last night, I'm not feeling too good. I had a feeling that my sinus issues were going to get worse and they did. I called Kim at ~12:45 am last night begging for drugs. I had debated for about 10 minutes if I should call her, but the pain won and I called...she wasn't even asleep! LOL. she gave me some good stuff and after taking that, along with some other stuff and slathering bio.freeze all over my face, I finally got some sleep. It wasn't the best sleep, the train station was a happenin' place last night. There is a really talented jazz player--he knows about 4 freakin' notes! I wanted to throw a shoe at him.
When I got to work this morning, my headache wasn't really any better, I finally asked one of the local guys to take me over to their clinic. A German doctor who I could understand maybe every 3rd word was asking me if my mucus was yellow or green--neither I reply, that is my problem, it is stuck up there and the pressure is unbearable. I was hoping he would give me a miracle drug and send me on my way, but that just didn't happen. I didn't have a German Dr. Feelgood. Damn germans! I stayed home from dinner tonight, I just couldn't be social. Anyways it hurt to walk, turn my head, chew, breathe, etc... so I thought I would just hole myself in my room tonight and take it easy. I also have some work to do and I didn't want to be out so late.

I would like to talk about a topic that has now bothered me for two weekends. Why do hotels put mirrors in their elevators!? Most decorators would tell you that mirrors open a place up and make it look bigger--guess what! An elevator is small, so why would you put mirrors in it, it won't make it look bigger! So for the last two weekends I've stayed in hotels that have had mirrors in the elevator. you get in and you start to look around and then the questions start.... **"Good gosh, is that MY ass!?' so you wiggle it a bit to make sure it ISN'T--but sadly, yes that is YOUR ASS
**Is that what people see when they are behind me?! "where is the 'wide load' sign?"
**Is my nose really that pointy "you can write the constitution over again with your nose and an ink well"
**I think I have more necks than a chicken, but all of them wiggle at the same frequency.
Man, the comments are endless, and I'm only on the 3rd freakin' floor, it is amazing how much you see in such a short elevator ride.

with that depressing post, I'm going to do some homework and then I'm off to bed.