I had a very productive weekend and I'm very happy with what I completed. I got the hallways painted and my master bedroom (had to finish cutting in), but the living room, up by the peaks are still unfinished (booo). Scaffolding or something might need to be called in to finish things up. I truly forgot how much I hated to paint, but it was clear to me Sunday morning when I felt like I was hit by a truck. It must have been a good workout, cause my tush hurt, my arms, my back, etc. I'm getting too old. LOL

On Sunday, I went to go see Matthew Venditti, he is soooo cute! Chrissy and John are glowing parents, it was fun to watch them beam over him. Chrissy was hurting, so I hope she feels better soon. I've been watching Brady for them (their dog); he cracks me up cause he just goats Samson. Today I was in the studio and Brady would go behind the walls and it would drive Samson crazy cause he couldn't figure out where he was or where he was going next. Samson is such a goof ball, he would look at me with those silly eyes and I could tell he wanted me to tell Brady to stop, but I would just encourage him more and it would start all over. LOL

I also got out and did a few errands, followed up by two miles out at the small trail. I have no clue what is going on, but my hip hurts soooooo bad. It feels really deep in my hip and it bothered me after the Pumpkin Run in Oct too, but I think it is worse this time. I was walking into my bedroom earlier and I noticed that I was limping (bad) and I had to stop to realize what I was really doing, it scared me to be honest. I'm moving like Brody. (semi-LOL). I guess I need to call Miracle Max up (Oh! I have insurance again! YAY!) and see if he can work his mojo on me. I really want to do the OKC 1/2 in April with Jodie's family, and if I'm hurt after 2 miles on day 1 of training, I'm in big trouble. BIG TROUBLE!

Oh! it is 9:00! New episodes of Paranormal State are on. Time to be scared out of my gourd!