Okay, will someone please explain to me where this weekend went? I don't want to go back to work tomorrow, I still have some things to do around here.

This weekend was pretty good, quiet. All my peeps blew me off though, I declared Saturday an art day, but I was all alone up in the studio :(
It is okay, I understand that folks have things going on, I definitely don't expect everyone to come running cause I called an art day. LOL.
My art day started pretty good, I finally took pictures of a failure that I had in the kiln earlier in the week and posted them to a board to ask some opinions. I'm such a glass geek--I was so excited when folks jumped on it and gave me some great advice. I had some of THE BEST glass artists in North American answering my questions--it just doesn't get better than that. I then headed up to the studio. I was trying to cut an oval and was having ZERO luck, I was getting so frustrated that I switched to creating another strip plate. I can kick some serious butt now on cutting strips. Sorry Mel, you're fired. LOL. I also created a few pendants that are soooo cute that I want to wear all of them at the same time and I made another plate from some glass that was purchased in Austin during Girls Weekend. LOVE ALL OF IT.
I really need to get all the glass up there organized, it was driving me a little nuts seeing what I did and did not have. And I also realized that I need to order some larger sheets of glass too.

My weekend ended with Metro coming over and helping me finish up the living room painting. I couldn't get up in peaks of the walls, he brought his huge ladder over and got up there for me. It looks awesome, no more 5" border by the top where the paint ended. I really should paint the guest rooms and the office, but I have zero desire to do so. I know it would look so good if I did, but I will have to talk myself into that during another weekend.

As for Cracking, I did not have a very good week. For some reason, if it wasn't glued down it went right into the pie hole. I don't know if it is b/c I'm feeling a little sick, or I just have zero will power. I have decided to do week 3 over, I'm just going to put this one behind me and keep moving forward. That is the only thing I can do now, just need to learn from it.
I was talking to my dad this weekend, and he received the death certificates from my mom that we had to re-order for some stuff that he is trying to do. He said it was really hard to see them and there were 5 items listed for the cause of death. The 'top' cause was obesity. Ouch. When he said that it felt like a knife in my gut. He quickly changed the subject after that, I could tell he was getting upset. After I hung up with him, I just stared at my tattoo for about 5 minutes. I have become used to the tattoo and I don't notice anymore, and I can't let that happen. I need to look down at it daily to remind myself that I need to get heart healthy.

Oh! Speaking of heart health, I got an email from the Galveston art people asking for me to donate a piece of art to the Galveston chapter of the American Heart Association for a silent auction. Oh hell yes am I going to participate! I'm excited about it. I need to think of something good for it.

Well, that is about it for this weekend. I hope to have a more focused week eating, work and studio wise this week. Send me positive vibes.