...these are the random thoughts of Nicole today.

Cucumbers: I forgot how much I like them. For a while I had to stop eating them cause I would be burping them up for hours, but for some reason, my system likes them again. I have been putting them on my salad and I have been putting more and more on each passing day when I realize they aren't haunting me all afternoon! Yay to cucumbers!

Great Dane Paws: That damn Samson! I swear he waits for me fall asleep and then he jumps on the bed. Sometimes I feel it, but most of the time he is sneaky enough to get out there without me noticing. One morning last week, I woke up he was at the foot of the bed with a look on his face like "ha! you didn't even know I was here!" (and I didn't). However, last night he decided that it was cold and he curled up next to me (didn't know he was there--YET), and at some point in the night, he didn't want to be curled up anymore, so he decided to un-curl and threw his legs right into me--I then knew he was there. Damn dog, woke me up from a deep sleep. I was so mad and I kicked him off, but he waited again until I fell asleep and the cycle started over...

Controlled Access: So today I was taught a lesson in Gov't paper work. For the last 12+ years, I have taken for granted that I had a picture badge and had access to the places where I needed to go, but now, I have a paper badge with my license and have ZERO access. I'm working console today and needed to get into mission control. I went like a good girl to security to get access, but after a looong wait, I realized that it would just not be happening today. I then took my paper NASA badge, my dignity and crashed Carolyn's staff meeting to ask(/beg) for someone to walk over to console with me and let me in the damn door. (of course, later, carolyn asked me why I just didn't get one of the other backroom people to let me in--I don't know, I don't think of those things!). I'll be back at security today to finish things up--fun for me.

Other items:
Cracking is going well. I can already tell a difference in my body--I'm not bloated and ick. I am also noticing that I am getting fuller with each meal, and that I need to cut back the size of my portions (never thought I'd do that). Oh! Crack funny! I get to have 2 carbs today before 3pm. I knew my first one was going to be EZ bread this mo with my eggs, but I couldn't decide on my second one. How could I NOT pick a carb--good lordy, all I have been doing for the last week is DREAM of carbs, and I didn't know what I wanted. Nothing that I had prepped the other night really worked with another carb, so I had to be creative. I thew some black beans (1/2 cup to be exact) in my salad. I'm eating it right now and it YUMMMMOO. I love the flavor and the texture that it is giving. I'll have to keep that on my list of tricks for the future.

I need to jump back into the glass studio. I don't know why I feel like I'm avoiding that place. I really enjoyed being up there before x-mas, and the ideas were flowing. Maybe I need to kidnap Jodie and just put her up there for an afternoon and see if that gets the creative juices flowing again. LOL.

I have been taking the dogs for walks in the morning and in the evenings over the last few days. They love it and I learned that if I walk in the street, far enough away from the grass, the dogs won't sniff and I can book it and get my heart rate up. Last night I did this, and Brody looked over his shoulder like "what the hell lady, I'm trotting just to keep the required distance in front of you, take it easy"
The were huffing by the time we got home. Good, Brody has been getting a little thick in the gut over the years, he can work some of that off. Samson was showing me his boney butt wondering why I was pushing him. LOL. Huh, maybe the paws in my back lastnight were payback...