Last night about o'dark-hundred Brody started barking at something that was outside, there was no way that Samson could be refrained from checking out what Brody was barking at--soon, both of them were going nuts. I rolled over, buried my head, cursing them to shut the bloody hell up. They would settle down for a few, and then would start up again. This went on for hours last night. Yes, I am grumpy.
This morning, when I was making my eggs, they started going nuts at the side door again. This time I pushed them both out the way to see what in the world was going on. Just as I approached the door, I saw a dog running from my carport down the street. My heart broke.
I instantly grabbed my phone and went outside, I had caught a glimpse of a collar. She instinctively ran away from me, tail between her legs, her body squatted down and she was limping horribly. Uggg, my heart was breaking more. I ran back inside, got some 'cookies' and went over by the car port to see where she had slept. There was a nice pile of dog hair all curled up between my car and the garage door. How sad was that. I then went down the street towards the cul-de-sac with my 'cookies', 'treats', 'bones', 'snacks' (I was trying every name in the book) to get her to come over to me. No luck. Just as I was about to turn back and get the number of animal control, a neighbor pulled up next to me asking if that was my dog.
nb: "no, found her this morning under my carport, trying to get her tag id"
neighbor 1: "I saw her last night when I got home from work, she was limping bad"
nb: "yeah, she is really hurt. I'm about to call Animal Control"
neighbor 1: "good luck"
nb: thinking to herself--"really, you saw her last night and didn't do anything about it. jerk"
I went back inside, hoping that she wouldn't run the other direction down the street, and got the phone number. I left them a message, but they also said you can call the LC police (press #1 now), so I did that and got a dispatch gal. She was very nice, took all my info and said they would send a guy out there ASAP. Just as I was hanging up with her, the dog started to walk back down towards me. She started barking again when I was trying to approach her. At that point, other dogs in the 'hood started to go crazy too, followed by my white trash neighbor flying out of his front door shouting every cuss word possible about all the dogs barking. I just look at him and then tell him what is going on. He cusses a few more times, turns around and slams his door.
nb: asshole
the dog lays down in a drive way a few houses over, I feel as if she wasn't going anywhere, so I ran in the house finishing getting all my stuff together for work. As I was walking in the house, I was like 'so help me if Brody ate my eggs'. He hadn't, they were still sitting on the counter, but now very cold. I finished packing, got everything ready, grabbed my eggs and went back outside. I saw a 'city official' truck at the house next to mine, just across the street, I thought that was the animal guy, so I walked over there. He was the water guy, but he told me he had seen some posters on the other side of the subdivision and he went down the street to see if he could get the dog. I was a little ticked that he tried to go after her cause I knew the AC guys were on the way, but what could I do.
He chased her to a fence and then he started to walk out with her following him. I had no clue how he did it, but he almost had her in his truck. She then took off down the street out of the cul-de-sac. UGGGG, wrong way butt-head. Just as she was running by my house, the wife of the White Trash came out and was yelling about what was going on. Really lady? it is now 8:30, get your ass up and go to work. She then tells me that she saw that dog last night too, but didn't do anything about it. Niiiice. A few months back, both of her dogs got out, I rounded them up and got them back over to her. So glad that you 'pay it forward'.
As I was staring her down with daggers, the AC guy pulled up and chased her down and got her. I let out a huge sigh, was thankful that I did something good, and headed to work. Before I left the subdivision, I decided to see if I could find some of those posters. I was able to locate one and I called the number on it.
The guy was very interested that I had seen her. I had to tell him that I called AC on the dog, but he wasn't mad at all, he appreciated what I had done. I also told him that she looked hurt, and he was very concerned about that. He couldn't thank me enough and said he was going straight over to LC animal shelter to pick her up.
I just drove to work with a HUGE smile on my face knowing that I made someones day better by helping to his dog. But waves of anger and sadness would crash over me now and again at the thought that NOBODY helped this dog. That they saw she was hurt and they just rushed into their homes discarding her. The thought that Sammy, or Brody, or Brady, or Aussie, or G-Man, or Thumper of being hurt and lost and no one caring just kills me. I ache at the thought.
So, the lesson of the day... please help a stray dog with at least a phone call to the Animal Shelter or to me and I'll take care of it.