Those damn dogs! What am I going to do with them. Hug 'em and kiss 'em and let the run all over me, that is what I'm going to do :)

So, I notice yesterday that Samson had extra ick around his right eye, I thought his allergies were just acting up and I went about my business. Then I came home from work last night and his eye was welded shut with green nastiness, the poor dog looked miserable. I cleaned his eye off, gave him a kiss and then we headed out for a walk. Later on that night, he was going nuts trying to 'scratch' his eye with his paw and he was also rubbing his face along the carpet trying to stop the itching. He looked so pathetic. He just crashed for the night after our walk, and the goop started to form again (yes, it is gross).
This morning, he was semi-welded shut again, his eye was way bigger and blood red. I could tell that if he was miserable last night, this morning was just unbearable for him. I had him at the vet by 9. Did you know that dogs could have pink eye? I sure didn't until this morning! My poor Sammy had a common case of conjunctivitis. $99.50 later and some really good drops, my Sammy should be good as new in a few days. And so help me if Brody catches it...