I want to talk about my most funnest (nice English, huh?) weekend with a great college friend. Kristenia emailed me late last week that she found an awesome fare out to Houston and asked if she could come see me. HEL-LLO, of course you can come out and see me, I love hanging out with friends! So she arrived at o'dark thirty Saturday morning and we proceeded to have a great weekend talking and laughing and shopping and getting tattoos!!! Okay, I got one, she took pictures, but it was still damn fun!

K and I are hanging out at the house thinking about grabbing some dinner and I mention how I've been wanting a tattoo of the American Heart Association red dress on my wrist; she promptly tells me that she's in to go getting it with me! So, we decid that we'll grab some dinner first and then we'll head to the tat place. (in hindsight, that probably wasn't the best plan, I thought I was going to puke during part of process).

We arrive at the tat place and I start to shake. I KNOW I want to do this, but the thought of the the needle on my wrist is making me very nervous. Anyway, we go in, tell them what I want, fill out some paper work and wait for him to get done doing some other stuff (all of that actually took longer than the tattoo did). Once he is ready, he gets some colors out, pulls out this needle that is HUGE, tapes this, rubber bands that, and the hooks up these alligator clips that look like small car battery jumpers--both K and my eyes were huge at that point. He asks me to sit on a stool, put my arm up on this padded bar and tells me not to move. (yeah, whatever). Then he starts this thing up--the sound is worse then a dentist drill (and feels worse too). The outlining of the dress begins...ohmygosh, the hot, sharp, pin being jabbed into your skin feeling sucks. I knew it would hurt, but I had no freakin' clue it would hurt that bad. I was very happy when he would stop to wipe off the ink before starting up again. That small amount of time allowed me to release some air and then brace for the pain again. I began to sweat and I was trying to focus on anything but the pain that was going into my wrist. And then it was over, all done and it was perfect! Exactly what I wanted, he was even able to have the heart on the dress, which was important to me.
Here are some pictures...

Ricky filling in the outline

me trying not to pass out

The finished product... a tribute to my mom and a reminder of why I need to make a life style change and stay healthy.

side note: I really wanted to put 'mom' under the dress before he shaded it in, but that wasn't really possible. I was also trying to figure out how I could put the letters "K B C" around the dress or under it, but I just decided to get the dress for now, i can always add more later.
FYI, 'K B C' stands for Kelli, Brendan, Caitlyn. The 3 number one reasons for me not to end up like their grandmother.