Today is definitely a Monday! I did 10 million loads of laundry over the weekend, but I had "nothing" to wear this morning. I just had to stop and laugh to keep from crying. LOL

I hit the studio this weekend. I spent most of the day on Saturday cleaning, organizing and making lists of things I still need/want. I actually didn't put anything in the kiln until ~9pm and that wasn't even very artistic--I threw a bunch of glass in a pot to do a pot melt! LOL They were a good experiment, I learned alot, I'll know what to do next time to get the amount and color combo I want. As I ate a late (very late) dinner Saturday night, I sat back and thought of all the things I want to make, I really need to get busy.

On Sunday, I hit both Home Depot and Lowes to work off some of that list from the studio. I finally broke down and bought the wet tile saw I wanted (well, kinda, I went with a lower model, I couldn't justify the one I really wanted). I didn't get a chance to break it open last night, so I plan on doing that when I get home from my day job today. I was thinking about it all last night, how much I can do with this tool. So, now that all my toys for the studio, I better start cranking out the art, the show is just a few months away!

I ended my weekend with a much needed dinner out with some friends and then falling asleep on the couch about 9ish.

oh! and I hit the gym this morning... I feel good. (I'll amend that statement tomorrow when I are feeling it)