Jodie and I -- two peas in a pod, thicker than thieves, Abbott and Costello...
ended up going to the Dr at the same time yesterday and we even went in the same room--they just laughed at us at the Dr. office.
On the drive there, we barely said two words to one another, I don't think we have ever been more silent around each other E V E R. After a long wait, we finally got called back.
Jodie was examined first, the Dr said she was really sick and then looked at me like
"you're going to be like this cause you two hang out together"
NB: "no thank you, just give me drugs and let me go back home and go to sleep"
Jodie was enjoying being up on the table where she could lay down, but I had to kick her off so I could be looked at. The Doc looked in my left ear and said "there are some dark hairs in there, like something was pushed in with a (and she made a Q-tip motion)". She then looked in my right ear and said I had the same thing in that ear as well.
The look on Jodie's face was priceless, she was thinking the same thing I was... SAMSON HAIR!
Yes folks, I have Samson hair shoved deep into my ear. And every time I think about it or picture it, I get so grossed out. I love that dog, and yes he is everywhere, but now he is truly EVERYWHERE and I don't like it.
The Doc recommended that I put a cap full of Peroxide in my ear to flush it out. Screw that, I went for the big guns last night--I have a leftover syringe from cough medicine, I loaded that thing up and put it in my ear. It sounds like Snap, Crackle and Pop are in my ear having a dance off, but who gives a flying fig, I want his hair out of my ear and like now. Last night he was trying to snuggle up next to me and I could think was his hair sprouting legs and crawling in my ear--yes it it gross, but those were my thoughts. (I just shivered again).
I'll let you know when I have successfully evicted Samson from my ears!