So, today is the day of the big interview. I have not mentioned it on my blog cause I've been afraid to talk about it, but here it goes anyway...
I have applied for a job with NASA to be the new Procedures Manager for Cx (That's Constellation, for you non-NASA folks), I've been told the job 'is mine', but I won't believe it until I see the job offer in my hand. There was one other person that was interviewed on Tuesday, and today is my big day. I'm nervous as heck and this morning didn't help me any, here is what went down...
First, Jodie helped me find a cute new outfit to wear, it is very 'Nicole', not too dressy, not too relaxed either, a good interview outfit. I had planned on wearing my strappy black shoes with it, however, they had different plans. I was already to leave, I just needed to put on my shoes, I'm trying to pull the first one one and B I N G--there went the strap.
The dogs run and I'm just standing there with a broken shoe in my hand starting to panic.
I run to my closet and look for something else that would go with my outfit. I have these cute blue shoes and they are the same color as in my shirt, but I'm not sure if I should wear them. They are semi-comfortable, but I'm not too confident in them. I throw those on, throw my ballet flats in my bag and head out. As I turn onto Poppy, I decide I'm going over to Jodie's and get her opinion on my shoes.
So, I knock on the door, go in, and go into her bedroom, she is asleep.
NB:"pssst, Jodie, I need your help. I broke my shoes and I need to wear these, do they go with my outfit"
JR:"I can't see very well, but NO, they don't go with your outfit. Go get my black shoes"
NB: "cool, thanks"
After searching a never-ending bin, I find a pair
NB: "I'm going to wear these"
JR: "those are navy!"
NB: "Damn"
back to the closet I go. As I'm searching again, Jodie comes in and helps me
JR: "yeah, those"
That is when I get a good look at Jodie. Her eye is welded shut and the size of a half of a ping-pong ball. She looks miserable and I just woke her up.
I throw the shoes on, thank her and run out of there.
As I'm driving to work, I have the follow thoughts:
-thank goodness she lives around the corner
-thank goodness she understands fashion emergencies
-her shoes are the only thing I can fit into of hers. LOL
-I'm so glad I don't have pink eye

Wish me luck on my interview, I hope I don't yak on my way over to it.
I'll post the outcome.